Different genetic variants’ of αs1-casein gene (CSN1S1) and their association with lactose, SNF and milk density
Pandey A and Thakur MS
The aim of this study was to know the polymorphic variants and their association with milk production traits in Malvi, Nimari, Sahiwal and HF crossbred cattle of Madhya Pradesh during 2016 to 2017 at αS1 casein gene (CSN1S1) gene locus. The analysis of variance for different genotypes ofαs1-casein genein four breeds of cattle showed the significant effect of breed (P<0.01) for lactose (F=16.43**), SNF (F=10.58**) and Density (F=25.74**) traits of the milk. The mean lactose percent was significantly higher in Nimari (5.56±0.07) as compared to Malvi (4.89±0.06) and Sahiwal (5.25±0.07). However, the mean lactose percent in milk of Sahiwal (5.25b±0.07) and HF crossbred cattle (5.39ab±0.07) showed non-significant difference. The mean SNF percent of Malvi (8.03b±0.11) was significantly lower than Nimari (8.84a±0.13), Sahiwal (8.74a±0.12) and HF crossbred cattle (8.54a±0.08), whereas the maximum SNF percent was noticed in Nimari. In density observation, significantly higher mean density of milk was recorded in Nimari (1.04a±0.09) and HF crossbred (1.04a±0.09) as compared to Sahiwal (1.03b±0.10) and Malvi (1.03c±0.08) breeds of cattle.
Pandey A, Thakur MS. Different genetic variants’ of αs1-casein gene (CSN1S1) and their association with lactose, SNF and milk density. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(3):1275-1277.