Phytochemical profiling, antifeedant and larvicidal activity of Gnidia glauca (Fres.) Gilg.against Spodoptera litura
PD Shiragave
In recent couple of decades biopesticides have been proved to be a potential source of plant protecting agents. An arming health hazards of synthetic pesticides forced farmers to select safer plant protecting agents. Gnidia glauca (Fres.) Gilg. is a small shrub. Leaf extracts of Gnidia glauca were evaluated for its biological activities against fourth instar larvae of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Antifeedant and larvicidal activity of acetone, methanol and water leaf extracts of G. glauca were estimated in the present study. The antifeedant and larvicidal activity was observed after 24h of exposure to the extracts. All extracts exhibited moderate larvicidal effects. However, highest antifeedant (64%) and larvicidal activity (75%) was observed in methanol leaf extract of G. glauca respectively. The results suggest that methanolic leaf extract of G. glauca holds a potential to be used as bio-pesticide for the control of destructive polyphagous agricultural pest - S.litura. Preliminary Phytochemical screening of the crude extracts was tested. Alkaloids, phenolics, flavnoids and saponins shows positive in all solvents.