Effect of weather parameters on mango hoppers population
PP Raut, VS Desai, AL Narangalkar, Kumud V Naik, SK Mehendale and MS Karmarkar
The present research was carried out to study the correlation between weather parameters and mango hoppers during 2015-16 and 2016-17. The correlation between mango hopper population and different weather parameters during 2015-16 was found to be non-significant except evaporation which was negatively significant (r=0.576) only in IIA (Indo-Israel Project- Alphonso). The correlation between mango hopper population and different meteorological parameters during year 2016-17 was found to be non-significant except minimum temperature and wind speed. The correlation between minimum temperature and hopper population in IIA (Indo-Israel Project- Alphonso) and IIPA (Indo-Israel Project- Pruned Alphonso) indicated that as the temperature decreases population of hopper decreases, which showed the values of -0.791 (r=0.602) and -0.744 (r=0.602), respectively. In PaSA (Pangari Block-Sprayed Alphonso) and PaUSA (Pangari Block-Unsprayed Alphonso) results revealed that as wind speed increases the population of hopper decreases and showed values of 0.529 (r=0.514) and 0.595 (r=0.514), respectively.
PP Raut, VS Desai, AL Narangalkar, Kumud V Naik, SK Mehendale, MS Karmarkar. Effect of weather parameters on mango hoppers population. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(4):112-114.