The present investigation was carried to study the occurrence of lung affections in the sheep and goats. The slaughterhouse, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh was surveyed from December, 2017 to February, 2018 and 800 lungs of sheep and goats were examined for gross pathological lesions. Total 127 lungs (38 sheep, 89 goats) tissues were collected in 10% buffered formalin and processed for histopathology. Bronchopneumonia was the most common type of pneumonia (27.55%) diagnosed by histopathology, followed by interstitial pneumonia (16.54%), maedi (6.3%), OPA (2.36%) and verminous pneumonia (1.57%). Among bronchopneumonia, acute bronchopneumonia (18.11%) was most common, followed by chronic bronchopneumonia (5.51%) and fibrinous bronchopneumonia (3.94%). Chronic interstitial pneumonia (10.25%) was more frequent than acute type (6.3%). Further, miscellaneous lesions viz. emphysema and atelectasis (21.26%), pulmonary heamorrhage (5.51%) and pulmonary edema and congestion (18.89%) were also seen. This study concludes that the occurrence of bronchopneumonia was higher than interstitial pneumonia in sheep and goats.