Photographic catalogue of mantids of south Gujarat
Patel HN, Abhishek Shukla and Gurjar TS
A study on biodiversity of mantids in south Gujarat, India was carried out in south Gujarat by the Department of Entomology, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India. Mantids are one among the most fascinating and elegant groups of insects usually found near water bodies, plains, hills, agroecosystem. Total 21 species of mantids belongs to 15 genera, from five families were recorded from different localities of south Gujarat. Among which 21 species belongs to five families Mantidae (12), Hymenopodidae (2), Liturgusidae (1) Empusidae (3) and Toxoderidae (3) along with a photographic catalogue prepared with the help of a digital camera. Out of the total record, 18 species were reported for the first time from Gujarat state.