Effect of different light sources on the performance of broiler chicken reared under deep litter system of management
Shaista Saeedatu Nissa, IU Sheikh, MT Banday, AA Khan, Bushra Zaffer and Shehrish Shafiq
A study was conducted to investigate the effect of different light sources on the performance of broiler chicken during March- April, 2017. One hundred and sixty day old broiler chicks were brooded in battery cages for a week and then distributed randomly into four light treatment groups viz., Natural light (T1) as Control, Incandescent (T2), CFL (T3) and LED (T4) groups having 40 chicks in each which were again subdivided into four replicates of 10 chicks each. The highest body weight was recorded in LED (2180.42±28.57g) and lowest in CFL (2128.33±25.89g) gropus. The results indicated that light sources had no significant effect on the weekly body weight and body weight gain. However, average feed intake was found to be significantly (P≤0.05) higher in Control (3730.65±36.45g) and INC (3762.80±40.36g) groups compared to CFL (3364.28±45.08g) and LED (3323.73± 67.10g). Similarly, the overall FCR was found to be significantly (P≤0.05) better in LED (1.63±0.04) and CFL (1.68±0.01) groups compared to INC (1.84±0.02) and Control (1.86±0.006) groups. The mortality and leg weakness was also not influenced by light sources.
Shaista Saeedatu Nissa, IU Sheikh, MT Banday, AA Khan, Bushra Zaffer, Shehrish Shafiq. Effect of different light sources on the performance of broiler chicken reared under deep litter system of management. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(4):398-400.