Seasonal variation in prevalence of Indian wild Boar and its damage in agricultural crop fields
Ravinder Singh and Manoj Kumar
The Indian Wild Boar (Sus scrofa L.) is widespread animals throughout the India. The present study involves observations on seasonal variation in the prevalence of Indian Wild Boar and its damage in agricultural crops in selected areas of Punjab. The study period ranges from December 2016- April 2018. The activity of Indian Wild Boar varies with seasons. The foraging activity of Indian Wild Boar was observed to be more in the summer and early autumn season and rooting activity in winter seasons. The reasons for this may be scarcity of food resources and increased metabolic activity of animals in winter. The activities of Indian Wild Boar were predominantly nocturnal in nature. The damage of Indian Wild Boar to agriculture crops vary with weather conditions. The damage of Indian Wild Boar was more in those crops which are near the forest areas and human habitat areas. The energy requirements, food availability, and seasonal and geographical variations are major factors influencing food selection by wild Boar. In addition to other factors which effect the activities of Indian Wild Boar such as change the size of human populations, decrease in area of forest and growing of permanent crops in agriculture fields. On the basis of survey report 56% farmers agreed with moderate amount of damage (20-25%) and 44% farmers agreed with slight amount (10-15%) damaged caused by Indian Wild boar.
Ravinder Singh, Manoj Kumar. Seasonal variation in prevalence of Indian wild Boar and its damage in agricultural crop fields. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(4):445-448.