Efficacy of combination product flubendiamide 240+ thiacloprid 240 (Belt expert 480SC) against chilli fruit borers
Guru PN and Patil CS
A field experiment was conducted at AICRP on Vegetables, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri (M.S.) during rabi-2017 to test the bioefficacy of a new combiproduct, flubendiamide 240+ thiacloprid 240 (Belt Expert 480SC) against chilli fruit borers, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and Spodoptera spp. The results indicated that among various treatments, flubendiamide 240+ thiacloprid 240 @ 120 g a.i./ha was found superior treatment with least larval population of Helicoverpa armigera (0.13 larvae per plant), Spodoptera spp. (0.33 larvae per meter row length) and least fruit damage (1.73%). It was however at par with chlorantraniliprole 20SC @ 30 g a.i./ha and followed by flubendiamide 480SC @ 60 g a.i./ha. Belt Expert @ 120 g a.i. /ha also recorded highest yield (229.40 q/ha) and was cost effective (B:C ratio of 7.54) followed by Coragen 20SC @ 30 g a.i./ha (222.53 q/ha) and Fame 480SC @ 60 g a.i./ha (216.67 q/ha).