Successful therapeutic management of listeriosis in red kandhari bullock
Siddiqui MFMF, Digraskar SU, Shaikh SR, Sakhare MP, Borikar ST, Ajabe JS, Kumbhar NS and Singh ND
A seven year old red kandhari bullock was referred to the Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Parbhani with history of hyper salivation, inappitance and circling movement since 3 days. The animal was having reduced water intake but normal defaecation. The animal was previously treated at local veterinary polyclinic. On clinical examination the animal showed symptoms of drooling of saliva, right sided circling movement, head pressing, right sided facial paralysis, regurgitation of food material from paralysed side of face, inappetance, congested conjunctival mucus membrane and unilateral nasal discharge. Physical parameters were rectal temperature 102.8 F, respiration rate 20 per minutes, heart rate 80 per minutes and ruminal motility 2 per 3 minutes. Ruminal fluid examination revealed alkaline pH to 5 with defaunation. CSF examination revealed moderate increase in protein content and slight decrease in glucose. Listeriosis positive bullock, was treated with procaine penicillin @ 40,000 IU intramuscularly, repeated eight hourly along with supportive therapy comprising of fluid therapy, mecobalamine, and glucocorticoides. The animal showed early recovery within 6 days.