Systematic studies of subgenus Melandrena (Andrena)
Lokesh Kumar Meena and Debjani Dey
The subgenus,Melandrena isrepresented in India by three species viz., Andrena (Melandrena) patella Nurse, 1903, Andrena (Melandrena) nitida (Muller, 1776) and Andrena (Melandrena) nigroaenea (Kirby, 1802. These species were first time redescribed here in a more elaborate manner. The diagnostic characters of subgenus, Melandrena first time established for Indian species.Andrena patellaand A. nitidaonly females and in A. nigroanea males were reported.The line drawing and identification keys were also provided. This research will prove quite fruitful for further taxonomic studies on bees of Andrenidae and related family viz., halictidae, colletidae etc.