Population dynamics of leaf roller of aonla in relation to abiotic factors
Thanlass Norboo, Uma Shankar, Hafeez Ahmad and Mahesh Kumar
Study on ‘Population dynamics of leaf miner in relation to abiotic factors was conducted at two locations i.e., Dryland Research Station (DRS), Dhiansar, and RHRSS, Raya i.e., of Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu for two consecutive year during. 2016 and 2017. The major constraint in aonla fruit production is ravages caused by the insects, disease and some physiological problems throughout the world. Among the insect pests, the aonla shoot gall maker (Betousa stylophora), leaf rolling caterpillar (Gacillaria acidula), bark eating caterpillar (Inderbela quardinatata), fruit borer (Dueodorix isocrates), fruit moths (Otheris fullonica, O. materna) and mealy bug have been reported to be of major importance. The observations on natural infestation or population dynamics of leaf roller on aonla revealed that the peak population of leaf roller infestation on 30 cm twig was recorded as 46.60 in the last week of September i.e., 39th SW. The leaf roller population dynamic was observed at RHRSS, Raya at 22nd SW and reached at peak population density rather late i.e., in 41 SW with (39.78/ 30 cm twigs). The leaf roller population attained the peak activity in 42nd SW at DRS, Dhiansar (43.75/ 30 cm twig) and RHRSS, Raya (37.00/30 cm twig), respectively during 2017. During 2017, weather parameters were found to be highly significant in determining the leaf roller pest fluctuation with 72.10 and 92.00 percent at DRS, Dhiansar and RHRSS, Raya, respectively. The results obtained showed that the peak population of leaf roller infestation on 30 cm twig was recorded as 46.60 in the last week of September i.e., 39th SW. The leaf roller population dynamic was observed at RHRSS, Raya at 22nd SW and reached at peak population density rather late i.e., in 41 SW with (39.78/ 30 cm twigs). The leaf roller population attained the peak activity in 42nd SW at DRS, Dhiansar (43.75/ 30 cm twig) and RHRSS, Raya (37.00/30 cm twig), respectively during 2017. Thereafter, the population of leaf rollers started declining up to December with bit fluctuations due to abiotic factors in both the locations.
Thanlass Norboo, Uma Shankar, Hafeez Ahmad, Mahesh Kumar. Population dynamics of leaf roller of aonla in relation to abiotic factors. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(4):1388-1391.