Habitat utilization of endangered rhino horned lizard (Ceratophora stoddartii) (Sauria: Agamidae) in the Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka
EGDP Jayasekara, WAD Mahaulpatha and Anslem De Silva
The habitat utilization of Ceratophora stoddartii at the Horton Plains National Park was investigated using transect and quadrate sampling methods from September 2015 to September 2017. The results from 124 sightings of C. stoddartii, indicated that a major percentage (67.7%) of 84 sightings inhabited the montane cloud forests. This was followed by 40 sightings (32.3%) inhabiting in cloud forest die-back habitat of HPNP. The canopy cover, ambient temperature and ground vegetation cover were identified as the 3 important criteria in its habitat utilization (p<0.05, Man-Whiteney U test). Microhabitats with high vegetative cover (PC1, 0.527), shade and low amounts of bare soil were occupied by C. stoddartii. This arboreal lizard was mainly observed on tree trunks and branches for resting. The study resulted in discovering important data on its habitat utilization and highlights the importance of conserving this agamid which is highly adapted to inhabit montane cloud forests of Sri Lanka.
EGDP Jayasekara, WAD Mahaulpatha, Anslem De Silva. Habitat utilization of endangered rhino horned lizard (Ceratophora stoddartii) (Sauria: Agamidae) in the Horton Plains National Park, Sri Lanka. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(4):1544-1549.