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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2018, Vol. 6, Issue 4
Bio-efficacy of newer insecticides against shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (L.) Guen. on brinjal

Kamil Kabir Khanzada, Bina Khanzada, Riaz Hussain Chandio, Farman Ali Sipio, Fayaz Hussain Jamali and Shoaib Ali Shah

The present experiment was conducted at Khanzada Agriculture Farm, Tando Allahyar, on brinjal crop during Kharif, season 2016. The data revealed that on 3rd day of the first spray all the treatments were found significantly superior over untreated control. However, significant difference existed among them. The chlorantraniliprole (0.002%) was found most effective resulted in minimum shoot infestation (8.25%) followed by acephate (0.05%), and both treatments were differed non-significant. On the 7th day of second spray the minimum shoot infestation was recorded in the treatment of T3, T6, T4, T1 and T5, respectively. All the treatments were also found significantly superior over untreated control on 10th day of second spray. The maximum infestation was recorded in the treatment of malathion which was differed non-significant with spinosad. The similar trends of efficacy of insecticides were also observed on 15th day of first spray. The overall efficacy of insecticides against shoot and fruit borer on brinjal at different time intervals in the third spray indicated that chlorantraniliprole, acephate and emamectin benzoate were found most effective with 5.95, 6.66 and 7.11 percent fruit infestation on number basis and 5.50, 6.31 and 6.58 on weight basis, respectively and these were differed non-significant.
Pages : 1705-1709 | 807 Views | 278 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Kamil Kabir Khanzada, Bina Khanzada, Riaz Hussain Chandio, Farman Ali Sipio, Fayaz Hussain Jamali, Shoaib Ali Shah. Bio-efficacy of newer insecticides against shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (L.) Guen. on brinjal. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(4):1705-1709.

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