Bio-efficacy of newer molecules against slug caterpillar (Parasa lepida L) on mango
Chaudhary Nirav J, PH Rabari, VS Rajput and RK Patel
The present experiment was carried to out to evaluate bio-efficacy of newer molecules against slug caterpillar (Parasa lepida L) on mangounder field condition at Horticulture Instructional Farm of Chimanbhai Patel College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University Sardarkrushinagar during kharif 2015-16. Based on two spray applications of different insecticides against slug caterpillar the results clearly indicated that flubendiamide 480 SC @ 0.14 percent proved as the most effective treatment to control the slug caterpillar larvae under field conditions. The lowest larval population was observed in the treatment of flubendiamide 480 SC @ 0.14 percent (4.50 larva/tree) and was at par with chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC @ 0.006 percent (5.04 larva/tree) and spinosad 45 SC @ 0.014 percent (5.49 larva/tree). The higher larval population (14.63 larvae/tree) was observed in the treatment of chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 0.04 percent, which indicated that this treatment is not effective to control the slug caterpillar.