A total of 300, one day-old commercial broiler chicks were procured and randomly distributed into 30 subgroups means six dietary treatments with five replicates per treatment and each replicate had ten birds. Feeding trial was conducted for 42 days. The control group (T1) was offered maize- soybean meal based diet which was formulated as per BIS (2007) to fulfill the metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein requirements of broilers. The first group was kept as a control (T1) and given the basal diet without antibiotic while in second group (T2) basal diet with antibiotic, third (T3), fourth (T4), fifth (T5) and sixth (T6) groups were supplemented with giloy powder @ 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1%, respectively in the diet. Feed intake (g/bird), body weight gain (g/b) and FCR showed significant (P<0.05) improvement as the level of giloy powder was increased. Dietary supplementation at the rate of 0.50 %, 0.75% and 1% giloy powder resulted in significantly (P<0.05) higher DM metabolizability, nitrogen metabolizability and gross energy metabolizability as compared to control group and antibiotic group.