Evaluation of insecticides against Sapota midrib folder, Banisia myrsusalis elearalis Walker in the hill zone of Karnataka
Suchithrakumari MH, Yalleshkumar HS, Hanumantharaya L, Sachin US and Srinivas MP
A study to evaluate different chemicals for management of sapota midrib folder, Banisia myrsusalis elearalis Walker was conducted at College of Horticulture, Mudigere. Eight treatments consisting of dichlorvos 76 EC @ 1ml, profenofos 50 EC @ 2ml, thiodicarb 75 WP @ 1g, quinalphos 25 EC @ 2ml, azadirachtin 10000 ppm @ 1ml, chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 2ml, flubendiamide 48 SC @ 0.2ml per litre of water and untreated control were imposed on the sapota trees. The results indicated that that flubendiamide 48 SC @ 0.2 ml/l was highly effective and superior over all other treatments in reducing the damage by sapota midrib leaf folder as depicted by the larval population (0.47 No./plant), percent leaf drying (6.56%) and the cost-benefit ratio (1:3.57). However, in the control treatment, the leaf folder population and percent leaf drying due to its damage was highest with 6.20 No./plant and 30.45 percent, respectively.
Suchithrakumari MH, Yalleshkumar HS, Hanumantharaya L, Sachin US, Srinivas MP. Evaluation of insecticides against Sapota midrib folder, Banisia myrsusalis elearalis Walker in the hill zone of Karnataka. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(5):217-222.