Histopathological alterations in the gill, liver and kidney of Labeo rohita on exposure to plywood effluent
MS Juginu
Study was conducted to assess the histopathological damage of Gill, Liver and Kidney in the fresh water fish, Labeo rohita after sublethal exposure to plywood effluent. A parallel control was maintained simultaneously along with the fishes exposed to sublethal concentration of plywood effluent for short term (24, 48, 72 and 96 hours) and long term (10, 20 and 30 days) durations. Gill, Liver and Kidney of exposed individuals exhibited some remarkable changes in their histology in comparison to control. Prominent changes include degeneration of epithelial lining, epithelial proliferation in gills, clumping of nucleus, degenerated hepatocyte cells, fatty degeneration in liver and in kidney shrinkage of the glomerulus and dilation of tubular lumen. Duration of exposure appears to have a profound effect on gill, liver and kidney. With increasing duration of exposure, histopathological damages become more severe.
MS Juginu. Histopathological alterations in the gill, liver and kidney of Labeo rohita on exposure to plywood effluent. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(5):223-230.