Study on certain physico-chemical parameters of Mahi Bajaj Sagar dam, Banswara, Rajasthan
Ravi Kumar patel, BK Sharma, SK Sharma, B Uppadhyay and Jay Prakash Yadav
The present investigation was done in February to April 2018 dealt with the physico-chemical parameters of Mahi Bajaj Sagar Dam, Banswara. The Mahi Bajaj Sagar lies in village Borekhera about 16 Kms. North East of Banswara town and is one of the biggest artificial dam in South Rajasthan having the catchment area of 6149.00 sq.Kms. The morphometric features of the Mahi Bajaj Sagar indicate that it is a deep reservoir with a maximum depth of 75 meters. The physico – chemical qualities were determined using the methods described by APHA. The mean values of the physico – chemical parameters of water qualities analysed are air temperature-32.34ºC, water temperature-26.30ºC, depth of visibility-240.65cm., pH-8.45, EC-0.42 mS/cm-1, total dissolved solids-273.86, dissolved oxygen-10.21 mg l-1, free CO2-absent, carbonates-10.86 mg l-1, bicarbonates-50.53 mg l-1, total alkalinity-61.4 mg l-1, nitrate-N-0.20 mg l-1, orthophosphates-0.33 mg l-1. The water quality of Mahi Bajaj Sagar is low polluted. On the basis of physico-chemical characteristics, Mahi Bajaj Sagar is alkaline and moderately hard water body. The water quality parameters indicated the suitability of Mahi Bajaj Sagar for fishery purpose.
Ravi Kumar patel, BK Sharma, SK Sharma, B Uppadhyay, Jay Prakash Yadav. Study on certain physico-chemical parameters of Mahi Bajaj Sagar dam, Banswara, Rajasthan. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(5):296-303.