Geeta Devi Leishangthem, Aparajita Choudhury, Nittin Dev Singh and Anurag Singh
Dirofilaria repens is a filarial nematode which cause subcutaneous dirofilariasis. The study presented the detailed ultrastructural features of D. repens. The nematode present in a nodular mass in the tunica vaginalis of a dog was studied for light and electron microscopic features. For transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nematode was fixed in glutaradehyde and resin blocks were prepared. Ultrathin sections (70 nm) were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and observed under Transmission electron microscope. Transmission electron microscopic studies revealed that the body wall of the parasite is a well-developed multilayered cuticle. The intestine was lined by single layer of thin columnar epithelial cells which are connected by tight junctional complex. The uterine wall composed of muscle fibers surrounded by basal lamina and cuboidal epithelium lining the lamina. Microfilarial larvae were unsheated with distinct trilaminated body wall and contain nucleus and intracytoplasmic organelles mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. This study will provide additional information on the structures of Dirofilaria.