Impact of abiotic factors on population dynamics of lepidopteran insect-pests infesting sole soybean and soybean intercropped with pigeonpea
VK Bhamare, SV Phatak, AS Bade and SC Kumbhar
The investigations conducted at Research Farm of Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Latur (VNKMV, Parbhani) during kharif-2015 revealed that Aproaerema modicella, Achaea janata and Spodoptera litura were major Lepidopteran insect-pests observed on late season soybean and soybean intercropped with pigeonpea. A. modicella (21.4 larvae per quadrat), A. janata (6.8 larvae per quadrat) and S. litura (6.8 larvae per quadrat) reached its peak population during 37th, 40th and 39th standard meteorological week, respectively on sole soybean. The larval population of A. modicella infesting sole soybean exhibited a positive correlation with before noon relative humidity while, negative correlation with rainy days and minimum temperature. A. janata larval population infesting sole soybean indicated a positive correlation with maximum temperature while, negative correlation with rainfall, rainy days and minimum temperature. The larval population of S. litura infesting sole soybean had a positive correlation with rainy days while, negative correlation with afternoon relative humidity. However, on soybean intercropped with pigeonpeapeak population of A. modicella (18 larvae per quadrat), A. janata (4.8 larvae per quadrat) and S. litura (5.8 larvae per quadrat) was recorded during 39th, 36th and 38th standard meteorological week, respectively. A. modicella larval population infesting soybean intercropped with pigeonpea demonstrated a positive correlation with before noon relative humidity and maximum temperature while, negative correlation with rainfall, rainy days and minimum temperature. The larval population of A. janata infesting soybean intercropped with pigeonpea indicated a positive correlation with before noon relative humidity however, all other weather parameters exhibited no impact on larval population of A. janata. The larval population of S. litura infesting soybean intercropped with pigeonpea had a positive correlation with rainy days while, negative correlation with rainfall and afternoon relative humidity.
VK Bhamare, SV Phatak, AS Bade, SC Kumbhar. Impact of abiotic factors on population dynamics of lepidopteran insect-pests infesting sole soybean and soybean intercropped with pigeonpea. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(5):430-436.