Foraging activity of pollinators in guava under organic and conventional farming systems
Madhurima Vinod and HN Sattagi
The activity of bees viz., Apis dorsata, Apis florea, Apis cerana, Tetragonula iridipennis and other hymenopteran pollinators was noticed foraging in guava under both the ecosystems. The rock bee activity under organic guava ecosystem attained its peak during VIII week after 10 per cent flowering and was on par with VII, IX and X weeks whereas, during IX and X weeks under conventional farming system. The significantly highest activity of little bees under organic ecosystem was recorded during VIII and IX weeks whereas, during X week under conventional ecosystem. The maximum activity of A. cerana in guava was observed during VII, VIII and IX weeks under organic ecosystem whereas, during X week under conventional farming system. The maximum activity of all the pollinators was recorded at 1000 hr except for T. iridipennis, which were most active at 1200 hr. In general, the foraging activity of pollinators in guava was higher in organic ecosystem as compared to conventional ecosystem.