Erysipeloid is an occupational infection caused due to penetration of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae resulting in local skin infection usually cellulitis. The disease is mainly reported from the persons associated with occupation related to animals, mainly swine, thus, include animal breeders, veterinarians, slaughter house workers, furriers, butchers, fishermen, fishmongers, housewives, cooks and grocers. The infection is usually seen in two form: true erysipeloid and diffuse cutaneous form. Generally characterized by an inflammatory plaque, with well-defined and raised borders which is bright red-purplish in colour. Septicemia is a more serious manifestation of E. rhusiopathiae infection, almost always linked to endocarditis. Endocarditis occur in 75% of cases involving aortic valve commonly. Diagnosis of Erysipeloid is based on the patient’s occupation, previous traumatic contact with infected animals or their meat, typical skin lesions (erythematous oedema with well-defined and raised borders, or vesicular–bullous–erosive lesions on an erythematous base, usually localized to the back of one hand and℠or fingers). Rarely found to be associated with encephalitis, meningitis, renal failure and peritonitis.