Frequency of clinical and subclinical mastitis in Kundhi buffalo breed of Sindh, Pakistan
H Baloch, R Rind, MR Rind, RA Rind and Kumar V
To illuminate the magnitude of clinical and subclinical mastitis in buffaloes of Sindh province of Pakistan, a total of 423 buffaloes with clinical and subclinical mastitis and examined by cultural and CMT methods for bacterial infection. The overall frequency of clinical and subclinical mastitis was detected in 66.90% (n=283) buffaloes. Of the 423 buffaloes tested, 169 (39.95%) and 114 (26.95%) were detected positive for clinical and subclinical mastitis respectively. Statically higher prevalence of clinical mastitis was observed as compared to subclinical mastitis.
The frequency of one, two, three and four quarters in clinical and subclinical mastitis was determined as 14.79, 26.03, 19.52 and 39.64% and 14.91, 21.05, 24.56 and 39.47% respectively. Animals with four quarters affected by clinical and subclinical mastitis were determined as 39.64% and 39.47% respectively. From 484 clinically positive mastitis milk samples, 317 (65.49%) and 167 (34.50%) whereas from 330 subclinically positive samples, 197 (59.69%) and 133 (40.30%) were found with pure and mixed bacterial infections respectively.
H Baloch, R Rind, MR Rind, RA Rind, Kumar V. Frequency of clinical and subclinical mastitis in Kundhi buffalo breed of Sindh, Pakistan. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(5):1913-1920.