Impact of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) feeding on Selected Water quality Parameters
Hansh Raj Choudhary and BK Sharma
The study has been carried out to study the impact of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) feeding on selected water qualityparameters. Five experimental diets were prepared to evaluate the effects of different protein levels 26 % (T1), 28 % (T2), 30 % (T3) and 32 % (T4) of feed protein (Casein) and without casein in control to see impact on of Nile tilapia feeding on selected water quality parameters. The best and safe level of supplementation of protein (Casein) in the feed of Nile tilapia fry in the present study was found to be at 32% protein level. This experiment was conducted in rectangular plastic tanks with 225 liters containing bore-well water. During the study period water quality parameters such as water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, Alkalinity, Total hardness and Electrical conductivity were recorded. The experimental water has shown a congenial water quality with average values of temperature 17.70°C to 27.70°C, pH 8.03 to 8.50, dissolved oxygen 5.33 mg/l to 8.67 mg/l, hardness 488.56 mg/l to 530.22 mg/l, Total alkalinity486.33 mg/l to535.00 mg/l and Electric conductivity 1.80 mS cm-1 to 1.83 mS cm-1.
Hansh Raj Choudhary, BK Sharma. Impact of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) feeding on Selected Water quality Parameters. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(5):2371-2377.