Field life table studies of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) infesting chickpea in Saurashtra conditions, Gujarat, India
Kaneria PB, Kabaria BB, Variya MV and Bharadiya AM
Field life table studies of Helicoverpa armigera (H.) infesting chickpea were undertaken during 2016-17 at Department of Entomology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Gujarat. Field life table of H. armigera on chickpea constructed under field condition to determine the key mortality factors indicated that the mortality in younger group larvae, older group larvae, pupal stage and deformities in the adult stage were 0.57%, 28.75%, 4.83% and 1.68%, respectively. In older group larvae the highest mortality was due to two key mortality factors viz., NPV (16.43%) and Tachinid fly (7.56%). Generation survival (SG) was found to be 0.66 and value of the trend index (I) was calculated to the tune of 0.012. The positive value of the trend index indicated that the mortality factors operating during this period were not effective in suppressing the pest population in succeeding generations.