Influence of weather parameters on population dynamics of whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench
Sumit Kumar Singh and Sasya Thakur
In this study, the field trial was conducted to determine the population dynamics, at the Central field, Department of Entomology SHUATS, Allahabad during kharif 2016. The whitefly was noticed when the crop was in vegetative stage. The infestation of whitefly on okra commenced from August 4th week (35th SMW) 1.40 whiteflies/3leaves, which gradually increased and reached to its peak 12.53 whiteflies/ 3leaves in the October 3rd week (42nd SMW) at 35.050C and 25.700C maximum and minimum temperatures, 89.70% and 51.80% morning and evening relative humidity and 00.00 mm rainfall. As soon as the fruiting started, the incidence of this insect pest started to decline and disappeared during November 4th week (48th SMW). That showed significant positive correlation with Sunshine (r= 0.601) while remaining abiotic factors showed non-significant effect.