Embryological evidences opposite to Darwin’s theory: Biogenetic law (Recapitulation theory) and Haeckel’s evolutionary tree are valid or not
Md. Abdul Ahad
The embryology of plants and echinoderm oppose the “Biogenetic Law (Recapitulation theory)”. The present of gill slits in vertebrate’s embryos are the evidence of “Biogenetic law”. But except in fishes, other vertebrate’s embryos have never gills. Both the early stage and the tail bud stages (later stages) of embryos are differing morphologically, instead of similarity. So, Haeckel manufactured the pictures about the similarities of various vertebrate embryos. Thus, Haeckel's “Biogenetic Law” is faked during Haeckel’s as well as Darwin's lifetime. Again, the vertebrate’s embryos are observable but this Law is based on three assumptions. So, many researches declared that invalid the “Biogenetic Law”. Consequently, the publishers of biology started to remove the Haeckel’s drawing from their biology books. Haeckel’s evolutionary tree is based on the “Biogenetic law”. So, Haeckel’s evolutionary tree (Phylogenetic tree /Darwinian tree) is not valid. Darwin exploited the “Recapitulation theory” for the strong evidence of his theory. Hence, embryological evidences are opposite to Darwin’s theory.
Md. Abdul Ahad. Embryological evidences opposite to Darwin’s theory: Biogenetic law (Recapitulation theory) and Haeckel’s evolutionary tree are valid or not. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(5):2492-2499. DOI: 10.22271/j.ento.2018.v6.i5ac.4434