Growth, production and reproduction performance of Salem black goats under intensive and semi-intensive systems of management in Tamil Nadu
K Chinnamani, V Ramesh Saravana Kumar, J Muralidharan, AK Thiruvenkadan, K Sivakumar and V Ramesh
Biology of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee), a major pest of brinjal was studied in the year 2015-2016 in the laboratory. The incubation period was 4.10±0.88 days. Length and breadth were 0.64±0.04 and 0.35±0.02 mm, respectively. The duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th larval instar was 1.33±0.48, 2.77±0.43, 2.56±0.72. 03±0.85 and 3.50±0.80 days, respectively. The total larval duration was 13.20±1.15 days, prepupal period 1.44±0.50 days and the pupal period 8.7±0.75 days. The full grown larvae measured 14.09±1.01 mm in length and 3.34±0.21 mm in breadth. The total developmental period was 27.43 ± 1.75 days. The adult longevity of the male and female was 3.27±0.45 days and 5.23±0.73 days, respectively. The pre-oviposition, oviposition and post oviposition periods were 1.17±0.38, 2.53±0.51 and 2.63±0.67 days, respectively. Body length of male and female was 8.54±0.90 and 11.01±0.71 mm, respectively. The fecundity was 160.2±32.42 eggs per female and the sex ratio was 1:1.40 (male to female). A study was undertaken on growth, productive and reproductive performance of Salem black goats under the intensive and semi-intensive system of management using 40 kids. The overall body weights at birth, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of age under intensive system were 2.18 ± 0.07, 8.20 ± 0.36, 13.51±0.46, 17.92±0.48 and 18.67±0.52 Kg, respectively. Similarly, under semi-intensive system the values were 2.05±0.08, 7.35±0.23, 13.53±0.44, 17.19±0.45 and 18.14±0.62 Kg, respectively. Under intensive system, the reproductive performance namely, weight at first mating, number of services per conception, weight at first kidding, litter size, gestational weight gain, lactational weight loss, service period, kidding percentage and kidding interval were 17.32±0.31 kg, 1.58±0.22, 21.97±0.69 kg, 1.00.00, 4.65±0.23kg, 3.13+0.48kg, 94.00+3.86 days, 100.00, 245.34+4.11 days, respectively. The same values for semi-intensive system were 17.55±0.51 kg, 1.67±0.19, 22.17±0.67kg, 1.33±0.14, 4.62±0.23kg, 2.73±0.35, 97.50±0.34 days, 100.00, 248.27±4.74 days. There was no twinning noticed in intensive system and observed as 33.33 percentages in semi-intensive system.
K Chinnamani, V Ramesh Saravana Kumar, J Muralidharan, AK Thiruvenkadan, K Sivakumar, V Ramesh. Growth, production and reproduction performance of Salem black goats under intensive and semi-intensive systems of management in Tamil Nadu. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(6):86-90.