Population dynamics of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guen. on brinjal at Kanpur agroclimatic region
Sandeep Kumar, Sumit Kumar Singh and Y. P. Malik
The population dynamicsof Leucinodes orbonalis Guen. (BSFB) on brinjal was studied at Student’s Instructional Farm, C.S.A. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur (U.P.) during 2014-15. Initial incidence of the BSFB was noticed on the 20th August to 29th October and continued till 15th Feb. The pest population recorded as number of larvae per plant varied from 0.30 to 5.30. The larval population was low during the month of November and varied between 0.30 to 4.10 larvae/plant. The pest population increased from 28th December to 17 January and reached its peak (5.30 larvae/plant) on first week of January. During this period the weather parameters like mean temperature and relative humidity ranged from 13.410C to 23.84°C and 59.08 to 87.06 per cent respectively. The pest population declined thereafter and varied from 3.20 to 5.30 larvae/plant. During this period mean temperature and relative humidity ranged from 10.37 to 16.20 and 71.25 to 86.75 per cent, respectively. The Population of pest suddenly decreased in last of February, perhaps due to the reason that no more new leaves are produced. The Population was high in the absence of rains.
Sandeep Kumar, Sumit Kumar Singh, Y. P. Malik. Population dynamics of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guen. on brinjal at Kanpur agroclimatic region. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(6):91-93.