Screening of blackgram genotypes against leaf crinkle virus
Achanta Sravika, JS Kennedy, D Rajabaskar and E Rajeswari
Urdbean Leaf Crinkle Virus (ULCV) is an important viral disease which is most serious in case of susceptible genotypes and favourable environmental conditions. Total of sixty nine blackgram accessions lines were evaluated against the ULCV infection during July kharif 2016. The blackgram varieties Pant U 19 and CO 6 were kept as check for comparison. The results revealed that among the genotypes KEU 16-29, KEU 16-30, RUE-15-3 and TU68 were found to be High Resistant. The genotype KEU 16-11 was found to be high susceptible (HS). For the management of ULCV, use of resistant genotype is an economically feasible and eco-friendly approach.