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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2018, Vol. 6, Issue 6
Population Dynamics of Sucking Pests on Transgenic Bt Cotton In Relation With Abiotic Factors And Physio-Morphological Plant Characters

Muhammad Jawad Saleem, Faisal Hafeez, Muhammad Arshad, Bilal Atta, Naeem Arshad Maan, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub and Muhammad Zubair

Six transgenic cotton varieties (Sitara-009, FH-114, Neelum-121, Ali Akbar-703, FH-142, MNH-886) were sown without application of any insecticide till maturity of the crop. Data of sucking insect pests was started after seedling emergence and taken fortnightly and continued up till harvesting the crops. The sucking insect population further correlated with abiotic factors and plant physio-morphological plan characters. Maximum whitefly population fluctuation was observed on MNH-886 (9.30/leaf) while Sitara-009 (7.97/leaf) showed minimum whitefly population build up. Maximum jassid population fluctuation was observed on FH-142 (2.08/leaf) while Sitara-009 (1.82/leaf) showed minimum jassid population build up. Maximum thrips population fluctuation was observed on MNH-886 (6.46/leaf) while FH-142 (5.80) showed minimum thrips population build up. Average temperature had positive response on sucking insect population while percentage relative humidity and rainfall had negative response. In case of physio-morphological plant character, average cotton plant height and average number of leaves had negative response on sucking insect pest population while gossypol glands and hair leaf density had positive response on sucking insect pest population.
Pages : 163-166 | 1094 Views | 203 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Muhammad Jawad Saleem, Faisal Hafeez, Muhammad Arshad, Bilal Atta, Naeem Arshad Maan, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub, Muhammad Zubair. Population Dynamics of Sucking Pests on Transgenic Bt Cotton In Relation With Abiotic Factors And Physio-Morphological Plant Characters. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(6):163-166.

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