A feeding trial of 42 days was conducted to discern the effect of dietary incorporation of giloy and cinnamon powder on growth performance, carcass traits in commercial broilers. A total of 120, day-old broiler chicks were divided randomly into 6 treatment groups with 2 replicates of 10 chicks each viz., T1 (control) were fed basal diet whereas in treatment group T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6,basal diet was incorporated with 1% giloy, 2% giloy, 1% cinnamon, 2% cinnamon and combination of 1% giloy and 1% cinnamon, respectively. During starter phase (0-21 days), the body weight gain was significantly (P≤0.05) higher in T3 incorporated with 2% giloy. The feed conversion ratio was significantly (P≤0.05) improved in broiler chicks fed diet incorporated with 1% giloy (T2).The performance index was significantly better in T2 and T3 compared to other groups. During finisher phase (22-42 days), the feed conversion ratio was significantly better in T2 and T6 compared to other groups. Performance index was significantly higher in T2 incorporated with 1% giloy. During the whole experimental period (0-42 days), incorporation of 1% giloy improved broiler performance in terms of body weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio and performance index. The average body weight gain of T1,T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 were 1408.6, 1580.0, 1540.1, 1517.0, 1474.2 and 1551.0, respectively. The results of growth performance of broilers on incorporation of 1% giloy and 1% cinnamon in combination are also beneficial. Significant (P≤0.05) increase in dressing percentage with or without giblet was observed in T2 and T5,respectively. It is concluded that 1% giloy in the diet of broilers has better results in terms of growth, dressing percentage. The incorporation of 1% giloy and 1% cinnamon in combination in the basal diet of broilers could be recommended for producing designer meat.