Effect of different growth media on radial growth, dry mycelial weight and sporulation of Bipolaris sorokiniana
Paritosh Kumar and RC Rai
Bipolaris sorokiniana is a hemibiotrophic, phytopathogenic fungus causing spot blotch of wheat. It is prevalent in warmer and humid wheat growing regions of the world and has special significance in the Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) of South Asia, which includes India, Nepal and Bangladesh. Spot blotch pathogen has a worldwide distribution and is particularly aggressive under high relative humidity and temperature associated with imbalanced soil fertility. An experiment was conducted to find out a suitable culture media for growth and sporulation of Bipolaris sorokiniana. Findings of present investigations revealed that out of nine growth media (potato dextrose, Asthana Hawker’s, Czapek’s, Richards’, malt extract, oat meal, standard nutrients, corn meal and wheat leaf decoction media) tested, Oat meal medium was best suited medium for radial growth and biomass production of Bipolaris sorokiniana as highest colony diameter as well as dry mycelial weight was recorded on this media. For sporulation of Bipolaris sorokiniana, potato dextrose agar media was best as highest numbers of spores/ml were recorded in this media.
Paritosh Kumar, RC Rai. Effect of different growth media on radial growth, dry mycelial weight and sporulation of Bipolaris sorokiniana. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(6):266-268.