Phytotoxicity of newer insecticides in spray formulations and their effect on natural enemies
Amitabegaum Biradar and Shekharappa
Studies on the evaluation of phytotoxicity of insecticides in spray formulations on sorghum were conducted during 2014-15 at Main Agriculture Research Station, Dharwad. Results of the investigation revealed that the applications of insecticides viz., rynaxypyr 20 SC (0.3 ml/l), fipronil 5 SC (1 ml/l), imidacloprid 17.8 SL (0.3 ml/l), acetamiprid 20 SP (0.2 g/l) and carbofuran 3G (30 kg/ha) found safe as they did not show any of the phytotoxic symptoms like chlorosis, white blotch and bronzing on the leaf surface up to four times the recommended dosage. At four times recommended dosage cypermethrin 10EC (2ml/l) showed phytotoxicity by registered symptoms like chlorosis and white blotches.
Amitabegaum Biradar, Shekharappa. Phytotoxicity of newer insecticides in spray formulations and their effect on natural enemies. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(6):712-716.