Biodiversity of insects in Ambikapur of Chhattisgarh
GP Painkra and KL Painkra
The collection was made in Rajmohini Devi College of Agriculture and Research Station, Ambikapur Chhattisgarh sub centre of Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur during 2016-17 to study the diversity of insects in Ambikapur. Under this collection various insect orders i.e. Lepidoptera (136), Coleoptera (157), Hemiptera (143), Hymenoptera (176), Orthoptera (49), Dermaptera (5), Diptera (55), Mantodea (24), Neuroptera (04), Odonata (14) and Isoptera (05) were collected. This campus has the rich in vegetation of mango, litchi, ber, sal, bamboo, palas, neem and gulmohar.