Sublethal concentrations of Beauveria bassiana affect biochemical aspects of Culex pipiens larvae
Shaymaa Hussein Mahmoud
The biochemical effects of entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana were studied in larvae of Culex pipiens in laboratory. Results revealed that the mean total glucose, protein and lipid contents decreased after treatment of second instar larvae with LC25, LC50 and LC90 compared with control larvae 96 h post treatment. The decreasing effect was dose dependent. A noticeable decrease in the activity of acetylcholine esterase, alpha esterase and beta esterase compared with control was recorded. Additionally, the activity of Glutathione- S-transferase was reduced after treatment with LC25, LC50 and LC90ofB. bassiana. Similarly, data showed that B. bassiana treated larvae induced a significant decrease of peroxidase activity and ascorbic acid compared to that of control larvae.
Changes in electrophoretic protein pattern of untreated and treated second instar larvae of C. pipiens were analyzed after 96 hrs of treatment using (SDS-PAGE) and significant changes in the total protein profile of C. pipiens larvae were observed.