New chemistry of selected insecticides against onion thrips (Thrips tabaci L.)
Bina Khanzada, Kamil Kabir Khanzada and Ahsan Hameed Khanzada
The experiment was conducted at Khanzada Research Farm Nasarpur, during2018. The data regarding thrips count before spray revealed that population of thrips was uniform throughout the experimental treatments, since the average pre-treatment population of thrips was statistically non- significant. The post treatment observations recorded on first day after first spray indicated that all the insecticidal treatments were significantly superior over untreated control in reducing thrips population. Among these treatments the plants treated with Cholorphenpyre 5SC@ 50ml recorded lowest thrips population (0.73) which was statistically at par with Cypermethrin 25EC@ 30ml and Profenophose 5SG@ 10ml. Similar trend of results was obtained at 10th day after spray and during second spray there was a slow increase in live count of thrips (nymph and adults) on untreated control plots (17.86 to 21.00) over a period of 14 days. The superiority of Cholorphenpyre in controlling onion thrips was also found at 5 DAS whereas at 10 DAS Cypermethrin, Profenophose and Cholorphenpyre were equally effective in managing this pest.