Effect of different doses of insecticides on germination percentage of sorghum seeds in pot culture method
Amitabegaum Biradar and Shekharappa
Investigations on insecticidal approaches for the management of shoot fly Atherigona soccata Rondani with reference to management through seed dressers was carried out, simultaneously the phytotoxicity and bioefficacy of insecticides on sorghum crop carried out during Rabi 2014 at the Main Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad. The commonly recommended insecticide in sorghum is endosulfan against insect pests of sorghum. Application of chemical insecticides has adverse effect by producing the various phytotoxic symptoms on sorghum as the crop is very succulent and possessing soft texture and highly sensitive to chemical insecticides. It is also inevitable to know the bioefficacy of insecticides against shoot fly and simultaneously to assess level of phytotoxicity to the sorghum crop. Hence, the study was undertaken on bioefficacy of insecticides. Among all the tested insecticides chlorpyriphos 20 EC at 5 ml/kg recorded highest germination (86%) followed by 84 per cent germination in case of imidacloprid 70 WS (5 g/kg).
Amitabegaum Biradar, Shekharappa. Effect of different doses of insecticides on germination percentage of sorghum seeds in pot culture method. J Entomol Zool Stud 2018;6(6):1311-1314.