Evaluation of comparative efficacy of xylazine-ketamine-guaifenesin and ketamine-guaifenesin anaesthesia for surgical management of urogenital affections in cattle
Dhawale RT, SS Pitlawar, CL Badgujar, SM Agivale, MK Patil and VN Khandait
The study was conducted to evaluate comparison between two different anaesthetic combinations using Xylazine-Ketamine-Guaifenesin and Ketamine-Guaifenesin anaesthesia for surgical management of urogenital affections in cattle. The anaesthetic parameters included quality of induction of anaesthesia, quality of muscle relaxation, analgesia, duration of anaesthesia and quality of recovery of anaesthesia. The overall quality of induction of anaesthesia in Group I was better than Group II animals. Four animals (66.66%) in group I showed excellent muscle relaxation, two (33.33%) good degree of muscle relaxation, however 50% animals showed good and rest of 50% showed moderate muscle relaxation from Group II animals. The surgical anaesthesia time in Group I approximately 66.50 min and 50.66 min in Group II. There was significant lower onset of analgesia in between the groups however; loss of analgesia was significantly earlier in Group II as compared to Group I. The duration for total intravenous anaesthesia recorded in Group I was 54.66±2.44 min which was more as compared to Group II (44.83±2.16 min). The recovery from anaesthesia was smooth but prolonged in all the animals from group I and in Group II (66.66%) four animals showed smooth and fast recovery while two animals (33.33%) showed smooth but prolonged recovery.
Dhawale RT, SS Pitlawar, CL Badgujar, SM Agivale, MK Patil, VN Khandait. Evaluation of comparative efficacy of xylazine-ketamine-guaifenesin and ketamine-guaifenesin anaesthesia for surgical management of urogenital affections in cattle. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(1):465-469.