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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 1
Impact of various IPM modules in the management of major insect pests of sesame under Bhubaneswar agro climatic condition

Nayak GS, Samal T, Dohling PNK and Reshma M

An experiment was conducted at Central Research Station, Department of Entomology, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), Bhubaneswar during the kharif season of 2017 in a Randomized Block Design to study the Impact of various IPM modules in the management of major insect pests of sesame under Bhubaneswar agro climatic condition. The experiment was organized in Randomized Block Design with three replications and eight treatments having 12m2 plots each and sesame variety “Prachi” was taken as a test variety. The seeds of all the plots were treated with imidacloprid 600 FS (5g/kg seed) plus intercropping with Black gram (3:3) and Yellow sticky trap@ 1 trap per plot was done except control. The treatments taken were single foliar spraying of profenofos 50 EC(2ml/l), NSKE 5%, two spraying of NSKE 5%, profenofos 0.1% (2ml/l) + NSKE 5%, NSKE 5% + profenofos 0.1% (2ml/l), two spraying of profenofos 0.1% (2ml/l) and imidacloprid (3ml/10 l) + chlorpyrifos (2ml/l) respectively besides untreated control. The results revealed that treatment T7 with imidacloprid (3ml/10 l) and chlorpyrifos (2ml/l) applied alternatively at 15 days interval starting from 30 DAS was found best in suppressing the major pest including shoot webber and capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis, leaf hopper, Orosius albicinctus and mirid bug etc.
Pages : 591-596 | 940 Views | 416 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Nayak GS, Samal T, Dohling PNK, Reshma M. Impact of various IPM modules in the management of major insect pests of sesame under Bhubaneswar agro climatic condition. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(1):591-596.

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