Pollination efficiency of different insects on Phalsa Grewia subinaequalis D.C
Avinash Udikeri and Umesh Chandra
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate efficiency of different pollinatorson Phalsa, Grewia subinaequalis D.C. a fruiting shrub at Faizabad (U.P) during 2015. The foraging activity started from April month. Apis dorsata found to visit more number of flowers (10.01) in a minute by spending very less time (2.27 sec) per flower. A. mellifera, Halictus sp., Polistes olivaceus and Megachile sp. found visiting 9.35, 6.27, 4.16 and 3.92 number of flowers in a minute and spent 2.82,6.55,7.89,7.31 seconds on flower respectively. A. dorsata appeared to be most efficient pollinator on Phalsa with pollination index of 85066 followed by Apismellifera. Highest fruit setting (59.17%) was recorded in the bee pollinated plants followed by open pollinated plants under Kumarganj agro-ecological conditions.