Assessment of the aquatic insect assemblage and water quality of a tropical stream in Southwestern Nigeria
Amusan Babatunde and Balogun Ibukunoluwa
The aquatic insect fauna of Aho stream was studied in relation to certain physico-chemical parameters with a view to determining the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the insect assemblage. Two sampling stations with varying degree of anthropogenic activities were established for insect collection. Aquatic insects were sampled with the aid of a D-frame net between October, 2016 and February, 2017. Station 1 was not only higher in terms of diversity and species richness, it was also greater in abundance as it accounted for 70% of the total insect collection. There were significant differences in the composition and abundance of insects in the two stations (p<0.05). Although, regression analysis revealed variations in the values of the physico-chemical parameters, however, the observed differences were not statistically significant (p>0.05). In conclusion, the difference in the abundance and composition of insects in the stations was influenced by factors other than the physico-chemical parameters of the water.
Amusan Babatunde, Balogun Ibukunoluwa. Assessment of the aquatic insect assemblage and water quality of a tropical stream in Southwestern Nigeria. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(1):1199-1205.