Feeding management practices followed by farmers rearing Hariana cattle in its breeding tract
Man Singh Choudhary, Lathwal SS, Kotresh Prasad C, Magotra A, Gupta A, Indu Lathwal and Saini M
The study was conducted in Hisar, Biwani, Rohtak and Jhajjar districts of Haryana state in India to assess the socioeconomic profile, technology adoption and constraints of the farmers rearing Hariana cattle in its breeding tract. A total of 240 respondents (60 respondents from each district) were purposively selected and interviewed individually using structured questionnaire prepared for the purpose. Different feeding management practices were recorded and it was found that 41.7% of the respondents preferred grazing and stall feeding system and 58.3 % of them practiced only stall feeding. In the case of types of fodder fed to cattle, mostly dry fodders like wheat straw and paddy straw were fed due to its availability round the year and easy to preserve for its less moisture content which reduce the chances of mould growth and spoilage. Green fodder availability was more during winter and rainy seasons than summer. The respondents provided concentrate feed only to milch cattle and the average quantity of concentrate feed given was 2 to 4 kg/day/animal supplemented with 0-40 kg green fodder and 2-8 kg straw depending upon the seasons. Majority (90.0%) of the respondents were not using mineral mixture in animal‘s diet. None of farmer were aware about preservation of fodder crop methods like hay and silage as farmers are having poor economic status, non-availability of skilled workers and poor knowledge about preservation methods. In respect to calf feeding practices, 63.8 per cent of the respondents are feeding colostrum to calf after the placenta was shed and others are feeding colostrum immediately. The results helps in educating the farmers regarding the advanced feeding methods and feeding interventions during different physiological status of the animal depending on their feeding strategies.
Man Singh Choudhary, Lathwal SS, Kotresh Prasad C, Magotra A, Gupta A, Indu Lathwal, Saini M. Feeding management practices followed by farmers rearing Hariana cattle in its breeding tract. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(1):1358-1360.