Study the relationship of body condition scores with production performance in Kankrej cattle
BP Meena, SC Goswami, V Kumar, AK Jhirwal, V Singh and V Sharma
The present investigation was carried out with the total of 18 Kankrej cattle of 1st to 4th parity and distributed into three disparate groups, on the basis of their pre calving BCS (before 15 days of expected date of calving), namely G1(2.50 - 3.00), G2 (3.25 - 3.75) and G3 (4.00 and above) with six animals in every group. The average fortnight milk yield increased up to 60th day and thereafter declined up to 90th day in G1 group animals, which was significant (p<0.05). The average fortnight milk yield increased up to 75th day and thereafter declined up to 90th day in G2 group animals, which was non-significant. In G3 group animals, the average fortnight milk yield increased up to 60th day and thereafter declined up to 90th day, which was also found to be non significant. G3 group animals had highest average fortnightly cumulative Milk yield (lit.) in entire study period. Highest 305 days predicted lactation milk yield (1739.16 Kg /lactation) and average peak yield (12.50 Kg/ animal) was obtained in G3 group animals and the lowest predicted lactation milk yield (1332.56 Kg/lactation) and average peak yield (9.50 Kg per animal)) was in G1 group animals. The 305 days predicted lactation milk yield in G2 group animals was 1635.04 Kg /lactation and average peak yield (11.20 Kg/ animal). The G3 group animals also attained their peak yield in 46 days compared to G2 and G1 group animals with 50.50 and 52 days, respectively. The persistency of milk production was highest in G2 group animals with 66.35% than in G1 and G3 group animals.
BP Meena, SC Goswami, V Kumar, AK Jhirwal, V Singh, V Sharma. Study the relationship of body condition scores with production performance in Kankrej cattle. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(1):1465-1468.