Effect of housing patterns on the indoor resting density of mosquitoes vector in the rural communities of Sagbama local government area, Bayelsa state, Nigeria
Amawulu Ebenezer and Shephard Woyinzuosindor
The housing conditions and the resting behaviour of mosquito vectors are factors that influenced vector borne diseases in community settings. This study was undertaken to determine the effect of housing conditions on the indoor-resting density of mosquitoes in the rural communities of Sagbama Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Data were collected from 16 houses. Indoor-resting mosquitoes were sampled using pyrethrum spray catches (PSCs) during January to March, 2016. Mosquitoes were identified morphologically using standard key. Two thousand, one hundred and thirty mosquitoes in 2 genera were identified. Species compositions in their increasing order of abundance were Culex quinquefasciatus (67.4%) and Anopheles gambiae (2.3%). The mosquito species in their increasing order of abundance in the study communities are Toru-orua (28.64%), Angalabiri (24.88%), Bolou-orua (24.41%) and Sagbama (22.07%). The differences of the mosquito species across locations were not significant (F=0.9618df=3, p>0.05) The indoor resting of the mosquito species according to housing patterns were Batcher houses with zinc roof (38.03%), mud wall and thatch roofed houses (29.58%), Block wall houses with corrugated roof without ceiling (29.11%) while (3.29%) were recorded in modern block buildings with ceiling and screened windows. The differences of mosquitoes species across building types were significant (F=11.2247, df=3, p<0.05). This result is a demonstration on the needs to improve housing conditions as an agent for disease control.
Amawulu Ebenezer, Shephard Woyinzuosindor. Effect of housing patterns on the indoor resting density of mosquitoes vector in the rural communities of Sagbama local government area, Bayelsa state, Nigeria. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(1):1507-1510.