Development and testing of methyl anthranilate based formulations against rodents
Bindu Bala and BK Babbar
Rodents are responsible for causing damage under agricultural and commensal situations and these can be managed using various types of rodent management strategies but each has one or more disadvantage(s). Methyl anthranilate is a GRAS listed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. No methyl anthranilate based formulation has been reported for rodent pest management. Our objective was to evaluate the repellent effect of an effective dose of methyl anthranilate against house rat in grain stores. Our laboratory studies showed that 2.5% methyl anthranilate treated bait is effective antifeedant repellent as well as primary repellent under bi-choice conditions so it can be effectively used under field conditions. Seven different formulations of methyl anthranilate were tested out of which six were emulsified liquid and one was microencapsulated form of methyl anthranilate. Results revealed the microencapsulated formulation of methyl anthranilate prevent rodent attack for a longer time period in grain stores.