Estimation of avoidable crop losses due to bollworm complex in bt cotton
MB Jadhav, PW Nemade, JS Ingole and SB Kumre
The present investigation was carried out at the research farm of Cotton Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, during kharif 2017-18. The results revealed that among the different treatments minimum bollworm damage (12.33%) was recorded in treatment T1 i.e. spray of Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lamda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC @ 0.5 ml/L at 55 days after emergence (DAE) & subsequent spray was given at 15 days interval up to 145 DAE whereas, maximum 67.98 per cent was recorded in untreated control at the time of harvest. Maximum seed cotton yield (21.09 q/ha) was recorded in treatment T1 whereas minimum 2.65 q/ha was recorded in untreated controls. The data on per cent avoidable losses revealed that it was highest in treatment T1 (87.43%) followed by T2 (85.93%), T3 (84.13%), T4 (74.73%), T5 (67.03%) and T6 (37.20%). But on the basis of ICBR, treatment T3 (5 Sprays of Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lamda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC @ 0.5 ml/L starting at 55 DAE with an interval of 15 days) was most cost effective treatment with highest ICBR (1:3.43) with net monetary return of Rs 46,996/ha.