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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2019, Vol. 7, Issue 2
Survey on housing practices of buffaloes owners in Patan district of Gujarat, India

NS Patel, JV Patel, DV Parmar, KJ Ankuya, VK Patel, MP Madhavatar, NK Thakkar, RK Prajapati and KB Prajapati

A field study was undertaken to find out the shelter management practices followed by the farmers of Patan district of the North Gujarat region. Five talukas were randomly selected for the study viz., Patan, Siddhpur, Chanasma, Harij and Santalpur. Three villages were selected from each taluka and from each village 10 respondents who reared buffalo either alone or mixed with cattle were selected by using a multistage random sampling technique. The analysis revealed that 34 % farmers keep their buffaloes in the shed under tree and in a loose house. Majority of buffalo shelter (63.20%) constructed in the north-south orientation. Majority (83.33%) of the respondents tied their buffaloes during the whole day and night time. Maximum (53.33%) respondents kept dairy buffaloes with their own dwelling. Majority of the respondents used iron sheets and thatched material as a roof (66.98% and 17.93%) & supported by iron poles (64.15%) and more than half a (58.50%) of them had single sloped roof. About 86.00 % respondents had an earthen floor with wooden assisted temporary manger (41.33%). Only 3.33% respondents had storage room facility. 56% respondents provided lighting facility in the buffalo shed. Only 2.67% respondents provided facility of ceiling fan respectively in buffalo sheds for ameliorating heat stress. Maximum proportion (80.67%) of respondents provided water manually to the buffaloes. Only 23.33% respondent’s stored manure in pit and majority (90.00%) of farmers made manure storage near to buffalo shelter by making the heap of dung. About 6.67 percent respondents had their own breeding trevis for buffaloes.
Respondents of Patan, Siddhpur and Chanasma talukas were more advanced in adopting buffalo management practices like pucca floor, pucca manger, lighting facility, floor width, iron sheet roof, iron poles for roof support. The respondents of Santalpur and Harij talukas were poor in adopting buffalo management practices, due to more illiteracy, marginal and small farmers and more trends for extensive system of buffalo rearing.
Pages : 635-640 | 721 Views | 148 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
NS Patel, JV Patel, DV Parmar, KJ Ankuya, VK Patel, MP Madhavatar, NK Thakkar, RK Prajapati, KB Prajapati. Survey on housing practices of buffaloes owners in Patan district of Gujarat, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):635-640.

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