Surgical management of massively large sized cloacal prolapse in an Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans)
J Singh, AK Mire, B Mishra, BPS Kanwar, SL Bara, B Roopali, Smita, M Roy and S Roy
A two years old, female Indian Star tortoise was presented with the history of red coloured mass protruding out of cloaca along with inability to pass faeces and inappetance for last 12 hours. The mass appeared very smaller in size initially like a peanut but gradually increased to around 3 inches size over the period of time. Clinical examination of the patient and probing of the prolapsed mass confirmed it to be affected with cloacal prolapse. The oedematous mass was cleaned with chilled normal saline followed by application of glycerine mixed with sugar. Upon adequate reduction in the size of mass and sufficient lubrication using KY jelly, the prolapsed mass was carefully repositioned by gentle pushing with the help of bulb end of clinical thermometer under ketamine anaesthesia. A purse string suture was applied around pericloacal vent region keeping small space for normal urination/defaecation. The patient was administered oral broad spectrum antibiotics enrofloxacin once daily for 5 days and analgesic meloxicam once daily for 3 days. The purse string suture was removed on 7th day post-operatively. There was no recurrence reported over a follow up period of 6 months.
J Singh, AK Mire, B Mishra, BPS Kanwar, SL Bara, B Roopali, Smita, M Roy, S Roy. Surgical management of massively large sized cloacal prolapse in an Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans). J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):647-649.