Improving reproductive efficiency through the supplementation of mustard oil, poly-herbal mixture and butyric acid during the periparturient period in sahiwal cows
Shraddha Barjibhe, PS Oberoi, Brijesh Patel and Pankaj Kumar Patel
Periparturient period is a challenging time for dairy cattle as the cows have to deal with physiological, metabolic and endocrine changes along with environment and management related stresses. Present study was conducted to know the effect of mustard oil, butyrate and polyherbal mixture supplementation on productive and reproductive performance of Sahiwal cows. For this 20 multiparous Sahiwal cows were selected and divided into two equal groups according to their EPA. The cows were fed with scheduled NDRI ration but in addition, cows of treatment group were fed mustard oil (200 ml/day) and polyherbal mixture (150g/day) 30 days before and after parturition whereas butyrate (200g/day) was fed 30 days post-partum and decoction for 7days postpartum. Blood sampling was done on 28th, 21st, 14th, 7th and 3rd day prepartum, on the day of calving and 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day postpartum. Ultrasonography of uterus to see the uterine involution was done up to 42 days postpartum in weekly interval. The mean NEFA values were significantly (P<0.05) lower in supplemented group as compare to control group. The average value of uterine diameter and cervical diameter during postpartum period was significantly (P<0.05) lower in supplemented group than control group. There were 20% cases of RFM in control group whereas in supplemented group there were no cases of RFM. The time taken for expulsion of fetal was significantly (P<0.05) lower in supplemented group. Days to 1st observed heat were significantly less in supplemented (P<0.05) group. Birth weight of calf was significantly higher in supplemented group. Conception rate was higher in supplemented group. The mean days to 1st service was significantly (P<0.05) lower in treatment cows as compare to control group. The results of the study help to conclude that the supplementation was helpful for maintaining overall reproductive efficiency by improving reproductive health.
Shraddha Barjibhe, PS Oberoi, Brijesh Patel, Pankaj Kumar Patel. Improving reproductive efficiency through the supplementation of mustard oil, poly-herbal mixture and butyric acid during the periparturient period in sahiwal cows. J Entomol Zool Stud 2019;7(2):668-673.